
Sunday, November 21, 2010

Hypercoagulation, another charming feature of Lyme disease!

Hi, I'm JoAnn....a relatively new member of SLO Lyme.  I asked Ginny if I could post today about hypercoagulation ("thick blood"), because I just recently found out that I have this problem.

Hypercoagulation is actually very, very common in people who have Lyme disease.  I read an article where one Lyme doctor actually said that 90% of his Lyme patients tested positive for thick blood.  Apparently it's one of the many clever tactics that the spirochetes use to avoid Lyme treatments....they increase the various clotting factor levels (fibrinogen, fibrin, thrombin/antithrombin complexes, fragment 1+2, and Factor II (prothrombin) activity) in your blood and this creates little clumps of fibrin that cling to the walls of blood vessels.  The bacteria use these fibrin nests to hide in....this helps them survive.

Of course, hypercoagulation can lead to many other serious health problems, even strokes.  So not only are the spirochetes better able to fight back against your Lyme meds when you have "thick blood", but they are even putting your life in danger!

I have a few questions for the members of our group: (1) How many of you have heard of hypercoagulation (in connection with Lyme disease) before?  (2) How many of you have been tested by your LLMDs or other doctors for hypercoagulation?  (3) If you were tested, did your doctors use the Hemex Labs tests (hereditary hypercoagulation and the ISAC panel)?

If you're interested, I've recently created my own Lyme disease blog and I wrote a post about this issue, here.  My LLMD has now put me on heparin injections (5000 units/1cc) twice a day, subcutaneously.


But I'd rather inject myself with heparin twice a day than have a stroke....wouldn't you?  :)

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Inspiring words . . .

Here's a quote from Winston Churchill that can help us in our lyme journey:

If you're going through hell,

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Lyme disease on the increase in the US

from Digital Journal, posted Nov. 16, 2010 by Jane Fazackarley
The number of confirmed cases of the tick-borne illness Lyme disease is on the rise in the United States and around the world. An upsurge in the amount of cases have been reported in recent times. An expert on the disease discusses why there's a surge.
Statistics from the Centers for Disease control and Prevention show that there were approximately 30,000 confirmed cases of Lyme disease in 2009 and close to 40,000 probable cases.
Throughout 2010 there has been an increase in cases of the disease. Cases have been reported in Massachusetts and Virginia, Earlier this year the New Hampshire Department of Health and Human Services advised people to take precautions to protect themselves from Lyme disease and other tick-borne diseases.